Sunday, August 05, 2007

Close Shave

Sonny has been climbing onto couches and chairs for about a year now. Mostly it is get a toy or a book - or to get to the phone, which is absolutely NOT allowed to touch. Most of it seemed pretty harmless, so we didnt bother. Besides Parent Center keeps sending you weekly/monthly reminders of what developmental milestones to expect - so one is prepared.

This afternoon, I was pottering around in the kitchen, when I heard a distinct 'crinkle crash'. Of glass. My heart lurched because the place we are staying in has a glass topped coffee table, 2 glass topped side tables and a glass topped dinner table. I ran out to see - sonny had climbed onto the chair and then onto the glass topped dinner table. He'd picked up the water glass lying on the table (mommy, do your housework!!!) and had banged the glass onto the table - thus breaking it into pieces.
As if that was not enough, he had picked up one of the glass shards and was about to.......I really dont know what further plans he had. I shrieked my highest pitched shriek, momentarily distracting him from his task. As nimbly as I could, I extracted the piece of glass from his hand. And he pulled it right back. I could now see visions of blood everywhere. But no. God must love me - coz nothing happened. I shrieked even more high pitched (I am pretty sure some dog somewhere must have responded). Picked up a tantrumy sonny and strapped him into his high chair. It was a full minute before my hands stopped shaking and I disposed off the glass pieces.
Of course when I told hubby what his 'laadla' (pet) had been up to, hubby had his most characteristic reply, "STS, what was the glass doing on the table? Arent we(go ahead, say YOU) supposed to clear the table after lunch?" Grrrrrrr....
Looks like hubby needs to be put in his naughty corner!!!!



At 1:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh these things happen! Kids know how to survive.

You are a nice wife though. My wife would've obviously blamed it on me :)

At 2:50 AM, Blogger Itchingtowrite said...

its really heart stopping.. my kids were connecting the iron & then trying to iron...
btw loved ur buffet post. my principles exactly i dont even look at the veg section except if okra is there

At 8:49 AM, Blogger Just Like That said...

Whew...!!!! What a lucky escape STS! shudder to think of what all could have been...
But all's well that ends well !

At 3:20 PM, Blogger Tharini said...

Oh boy! That indeed was close. could just visualise the entire scene, cos we also have a glass topped table, and always telling A not to bang things on it.

Am glad he's alright. Clear up clear up!!!

At 1:24 AM, Blogger ~nm said...

Good to know he didn't hurt himself. But I'm sure that now he knows things like that can break easy and he might be a lil careful in the future.

And what to say about these husbands! *rolling my eyes*

At 6:18 AM, Blogger How do we know said...

whoops! That was close!

i don't know what i would do with my own kid, but with another kid, i would, maybe, stand right there and tell them to go ahead, play with it if they want to see blood on their hands. And would stand there staring till the kid gives up the glass piece on his own (kids do that with me, they get scared when i stare, and laugh their hearts out when i m shouting at them).

At 8:41 AM, Blogger WhatsInAName said...

I can almost hear your scream!

One of my cousins kid had successfully gulped down a safety pin and the parents had to get a scan everyday till it came out! The saving grace was that the pin was locked. Phew!

But yeah, alls well that ends well.

At 12:09 AM, Blogger Maggie said...

Scary, scary. It's always a hard line to walk between letting them explore and learn from some small mistakes and yet keeping them out of harm's way....

At 3:25 AM, Blogger the mad momma said...

i vote for putting daddy in the corner. for no other reason but that it sounds like a good idea. that was a close shave though...

At 9:25 AM, Blogger Usha said...

oh my god, that must have been really scary! I guess you must start using stainless steel or plastic until he is a little older. How careful can you be!

At 4:16 AM, Blogger Sunita Venkatachalam said...

Oh my god. These kids, you have to be on your toes all day all the time !


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