Monday, September 03, 2007

Que Sera Sera

Whatever will be...will be..
So said a song, long long ago.

Of course that does not stop this crazy woman from thinking what her 2 year old will turn up to be.
However, here are some of the predictions:

Footballer: Predicted by a 8 month pregnant me - as he squirmed and kicked every organ of my body. Ob-gyn suggested cricketer, hubby wanted ice-hockey player. Prediction still holds true - as he continues to kick and push even as he tries to cuddle into me at night.

A Painter/Pianist: So predicted my landlady when she saw a 5 day old, not yet 7 pounds sonny. She thought his long bony fingers foretold a life of great creativity - hence the painter/pianist prediction. The fingers today are chubby and cant hold a crayon correctly.

A Thinker/Philosopher: 4-5 month old sonny could be found constantly with a finger on the chin ( a la the Thinking Man) - so his grandparents predicted a life of intense thought for him. All he thinks these days is 'at what point is she going to snap? Lets push her a bit more and see'.

A chef/cook: At 16 months (or so): So predicted my MIL when I told her how absorbed sonny could be playing with my pots and pans. He took this one step further by trying to stir up a mean soup in the toilet bowl. All he cooks these days is 'Ma Bheja Fry'

A porter: My prediction as I saw sonny push anything on wheels - anything. This prediction still holds true since we still have remanents of this phase.

A driver at 16: So predicted the bell boy at Sheraton, Montreal as he saw sonny navigate his stroller through the throngs. 'You watch it ma'am, this boy's gonna ask you for a car at 16. He's one of those early drivers.' Phase continues to date - with 2 strollers, one tri-cycle and 1 push cart. And sometimes the chairs. And the rocker.

Heartbreak Specialist: Predicted by moms - taken in by his long eyelashes and the big brown eyes they hide. The heart he knows best to break - is mine.

Drama King: He could give Dilip Kumar a run for his money with his fake 'how can you yell at me - look I'm so cute' smile. Or his 'I know you're going to yell at me - so I'm pretend crying' wail. Predicted jointly by his mom and dad. Phase on-going.

An Explorer: So predicted a father of 4 boys (good heavens - help him) as we waited in the lounge at Doha. Sonny just HAD to pick up every stone they had laid out to decorate the place and turn it around and put it back in place. Father of 4 said 'not all kids do it - my first 3 boys didnt - last one did when was about this age - and to date is the explorer in the family'. Yup, sonny still HAS to put his hand in every nook and cranny - dirtier the better.

And yet at the end of it all - I wish he grows up to be safe, and healthy and happy. And rich - adds hubby!



At 3:55 AM, Blogger Just Like That said...

That is such a cute post.

LOL at thinker(when will she snap), cook (Ma Bheja Fry), explorer ( the dirtier, the better).

Yeah, so long as they turn out happy and healthy, good. Rich won't hurt at all too.;-)

At 4:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a very cute post...

At 9:17 AM, Blogger Savani said...

I hope he turns out to be all that and more :) What a precious child. A very lovely post.

At 1:07 PM, Blogger Anusha said...

LOL! funny post :) yay for the explorer! may he be all that rolled into one happy, healthy man!

At 11:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol :)
sweet sweet post!

Lets keep our fingers crossed! God bless him


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